Looks pretty sure that I won't be going to the track today. It's currently 9 below here. That's an improvement over last night. Wind chills of thirty to forty below. And the track is 30-40 miles north of here. Not even sure they are gonna open. Probably will. New Hampshireites are a hardy bunch.
All welcome to participate. Only rule. Keep an accurate RUNNING accounting of your bets and results. If anyone wants to follow along they can see how you're doing. I want full transparency in this thread. Thanks.
Aqueduct is not in my Racing Form. They closed due to weather yesterday. Laurel also closed yesterday as did Penn National and Charlestown. We'll see if any of these guys are bck on the track today.
All welcome to participate. Only rule. Keep an accurate RUNNING accounting of your bets and results. If anyone wants to follow along they can see how you're doing. I want full transparency in this thread. Thanks.
Aqueduct is not in my Racing Form. They closed due to weather yesterday. Laurel also closed yesterday as did Penn National and Charlestown. We'll see if any of these guys are bck on the track today.